Is This What You Are Looking For?

Genetic Code

By John Wimber

(with comments for Leaders)

At a Vineyard pastors conference in September 1992, founder John Wimber taught on 10 areas of ministry that were essential to any Vineyard church. John called these areas the Vineyard Genetic Code because they are the common denominators that identify us as a family. A Vineyard experience typically includes:

1. Clear, accurate, Biblical teaching
It doesn’t matter if your teaching starts with the bible and applies it to life, or starts with life’s situations and brings the bible to it…just be biblical. I would want to encourage all of our pastors to have a solid biblical base, and a real heart for God’s word. The bible isn’t there to back up our theories; it is there to build our life upon.

2. Contemporary worship in the freedom of the Holy Spirit
Worship is always a God-centred activity. How we do it is not the central issue, but that we do it for him and are focussed on him is essential.

3. The gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation
Our sovereign God wants to move in our midst in sovereign ways. Let’s always make room for God to come and make manifest his gifts. Let’s also ensure that everyone gets to play in this and that it is not just happening up on the platform with the “big guys” doing the stuff.

4. An active small group ministry
The “cell” group meeting within the church adds a dimension to discipleship in the local church that is indispensable. The opportunity to share in a smaller and safer setting, to experiment with spiritual gifts and other ministry expressions, to ask your questions, etc. are more possible at this level than at a congregational level.

5. Ministry to the poor, widows, orphans and those who are broken
Compassion/welfare is such an integral part of our identity. Of course this will be expressed in different ways in different churches, but it should always be there and be in action. Don’t feel guilty or condemned if it is happening much at present, but keep pursuing God on it, asking him to give you opportunity in your local area.

6. Physical healing with emphasis on signs and wonders as seen in the
book of Acts
We don’t have to wait for a move of God to see healing happen. It’s part and parcel of Kingdom life. Are you giving your people regular opportunity to be prayed for? Are you training your people with tools such as Wimber’s 5 Step Healing Model?

7. A commitment to missions – church planting at home and world missions
It’s been great to see this grow especially over the last year or two in our churches. Are you involved in local or overseas mission? If you feel your church is not ready yet can you partner with someone else? Contact Paul Marshall if you want to explore it more.

8. Unity within the whole body of Christ; in the local body and a relationship with other local churches
I suspect this is one we could do better. Unity is more than a passive agreement, it is active. Are you involved in your local Minister’s Association or some other regular meeting of local ministers? Do you actively bless and honour other churches? Are you well regarded by them?

9. Evangelistic outreach
The gospel command is clear…Go! Let’s urge one another on in this. Let’s not just be another church that moves the deck chairs (existing Christians) around but is passionate in recruiting others for heaven! Go to for some ideas.

10. Equipping the saints in areas such as discipleship, ministry, serving,
giving, finances, family, etc.
We need to give away what we’ve got. The work of ministry is for all, and empowered and informed Christian living is every Christian’s birthright. We need to give, give, give in equipping our people. Is ministry being multiplied out through your congregation? Are you still doing it all yourself? Who teaches others in areas such as finance? …or family?

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